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'dA'd<' j  M'd((dXRL'SL'TL'UL'((d9:;> (?( @'A'D'F ' E '  \\dda chilly void#&$d?a rough granite wallThe granite is split open with splinters of rock jutting out at odd angles.̽2$_dthe ground̽2$_dthe groundUk the carpetOrnate carpeting fills this room, a relic of ages past.Ukthe marble groundLight from the nearby crystals catches the grain of the lavish marble floor.#l&$d?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.+ܾ̾2kQa wooden dooryou pass through the doorway.'ܾ̾2kR'an open dooryou pass through the doorway.#l&$2k ?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.+2kS?ga locked iron dooryou search your pack but do not have a matching key.'Z2kan open iron dooryou pass through the doorway.>d( ga downward staircasestairs spiral downward into the depths.<d( gan upward staircasestairs spiral upward.< d( gthe dungeon exitthe gilded doors leading out of the dungeon are sealed by an invisible force. d(. ga crystal portaldancing lights play across the plane of this sparkling crystal portal.#|&$d ?a wall-mounted torchThe torch is anchored firmly to the wall and sputters quietly in the gloom.#d3=a crystal formationYou feel the crystal's glossy surface and admire the dancing lights beneath.#,2$ da heavy portcullisThe iron bars rattle but will not budge; they are firmly locked in place.̽2$_d!the ground#̾2$ da dry wooden barricadeThe wooden barricade is firmly set but has dried over the years. Might it burn?#&$d ?a wall-mounted torchThe torch is anchored firmly to the wall, and sputters quietly in the gloom.",&$d ?a fallen torchThe torch lies at the foot of the wall, spouting gouts of flame haphazardly.#|&$d ?a wall-mounted torchThe torch is anchored firmly to the wall and sputters quietly in the gloom.#|&$d ?a wall-mounted torchThe torch is anchored firmly to the wall and sputters quietly in the gloom.#&$d5?a sputtering torchA dim purple flame sputters and spits atop this wall-mounted torch.#l&$d_?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding./l&$d`? Ca leverThe lever moves.\l&$d?an inactive leverThe lever won't budge.#l&$da?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.&$,da marble statueThe cold marble statue has weathered the years with grace.&$,da marble statueThe cold marble statue has weathered the years with grace.&$,d a cracking statueDeep cracks ramble down the side of the statue even as you watch.&$,da marble statueThe cold marble statue has weathered the years with grace.&$2$dXa stone archwayThis ancient moss-covered stone archway radiates a strange, alien energy.#l&$d?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.#l&$d?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.̽2$_d!the ground̽2$_d the ground̽2$_d1the ground̽2$_d !the ground|4a candle-lit altara gilded altar is adorned with candles that flicker in the breeze.%4a candle-lit altarornate gilding spirals around a spherical depression in the top of the altar.|U4!a candle-lit altara cage, open on the bottom, hangs over this altar on a retractable chain.#LT4 an iron cagethe missing item must be replaced before you can access the remaining items.|V4!a candle-lit altara weathered stone altar is adorned with candles that flicker in the breeze.|W4!a candle-lit altara weathered stone altar is adorned with candles that flicker in the breeze.#L4 an iron cagethe cage won't budge. Perhaps there is a way to raise it nearby...|4a stone pedestalelaborate carvings wind around this ancient pedestal.|2$Lan open cagethe interior of the cage is filthy and reeks of decay.#,<!a locked iron cagethe bars of the cage are firmly set and will not budge.| !a sealed coffina coffin made from thick wooden planks rests in a bed of moss.|\dan empty coffinan open wooden coffin rests in a bed of moss.̽2$_uthe ground%ua caustic gas trapthere is a hidden pressure plate in the floor above a reserve of caustic gas.̽2$_uthe groundyou plunge through a hidden trap door!7"\ua holeyou plunge through a hole in the ground!̽2$_the ground%La paralysis triggerthere is a hidden pressure plate in the floor.̽2$_d!the ground=Ldan inactive gas ventA dormant gas vent is connected to a reserve of paralytic gas.̽2$_vthe ground%va confusion trapA hidden pressure plate accompanies a reserve of psychotropic gas.̽2$_jthe ground%\ja fire trapA hidden pressure plate is connected to a crude flamethrower mechanism.̽2$_pthe ground% :pa flood trapA hidden pressure plate is connected to floodgates in the walls and ceiling.̽2$_wthe ground%|wa net trapyou see netting subtly concealed in the ceiling over a hidden pressure plate.̽2$_xthe ground%,xan alarm trapa hidden pressure plate is connected to a loud alarm mechanism.̽2$_d!the ground=̽d!an inactive gas ventAn inactive gas vent is hidden in a crevice in the ground.=̽d'a gas ventClouds of caustic gas are wafting out of a hidden vent in the floor.̽2$_d!the ground=̽d!an inactive gas ventAn inactive gas vent is hidden in a crevice in the ground.=̽ka gas ventClouds of explosive gas are wafting out of a hidden vent in the floor.=,k*a steam ventA natural crevice in the floor periodically vents scalding gouts of steam.%&!a pressure plateThere is an exposed pressure plate here. A thrown item might trigger it.%<&an inactive pressure plateThis pressure plate has already been depressed.7"<*Y6 !a magical glyphA strange glyph, engraved into the floor, flickers with magical light.7"<*Z'7 a glowing glyphA strange glyph, engraved into the floor, radiates magical light.&< GG Ca glass dewar of caustic gas&< HH Ca glass dewar of confusion gas&L< II Ca glass dewar of paralytic gas&< JJ Ca glass dewar of methane gas~|B$(d+$the murky watersthe current tugs you in all directions.&7+shallow waterthe water is cold and reaches your knees.,ܿ7d,da bogyou are knee-deep in thick, foul-smelling mud.7"\(da chasmyou plunge downward into the chasm!&Pdthe brink of a chasmchilly winds blow upward from the stygian depths.̽2$_d!the ground&-d the crumbling groundcracks are appearing in the ground beneath your feet!~,l(m!lavasearing heat rises from the lava.~,l(m!lavasearing heat rises from the lava.~,l(m$!cooling lavasearing heat rises from the lava.̽2$Zd"a patch of sunlightsunlight streams through cracks in the ceiling.̽2$Zd#a patch of shadowsthis area happens to be cloaked in shadows -- perhaps a safe place to hide.'L\(dCC @hissing brimstonethe jagged brimstone hisses and spits ominously as it crunches under your feet.'L\(CB @hissing brimstonethe jagged brimstone hisses and spits ominously as it crunches under your feet.<|2dthe obsidian groundthe ground has fused into obsidian.= -2i a rickety rope bridgethe rickety rope bridge creaks underfoot.= -2cc' a plummeting bridgethe bridge is plunging into the chasm before your eyes!= -2d a rickety rope bridgethe rickety rope bridge is staked to the edge of the chasm.&2ia stone bridgethe narrow stone bridge winds precariously across the chasm.&<+shallow waterthe water is cold and reaches your knees.&<+ shallow waterthe water is cold and reaches your knees.,ܿ7da bogyou are knee-deep in thick, foul-smelling mud.7"\ dta holeyou plunge downward into the hole!7"\ dt9a holeyou plunge downward into the hole!&2d translucent groundchilly gusts of air blow upward through the translucent floor.~|B$)d+r8$sloshing waterroiling water floods the room.&2+0shallow waterknee-deep water drains slowly into holes in the floor."<dgrass-like fungusgrass-like fungus crunches underfoot."<(dwithered fungusdead fungus covers the ground."3 dwithered fungusgroping tendrils of pale fungus rise from the muck."< d$luminescent fungusluminescent fungus casts a pale, eerie glow.",<2d6'deadly lichenvenomous barbs cover the quivering tendrils of this fast-growing lichen."<92filthy haya pile of hay, matted with filth, has been arranged here as a makeshift bed.Pda pool of bloodthe floor is splattered with blood.Pda pool of green bloodthe floor is splattered with green blood.Pda pool of purple bloodthe floor is splattered with purple blood.|Pdthe acid-flecked groundthe floor is splattered with acid.Pda puddle of vomitthe floor is caked with vomit.Pdda puddle of urinea puddle of urine covers the ground.Pd)unicorn poopa pile of lavender-scented unicorn poop sparkles with rainbow light. Pda pool of worm entrailsworm viscera cover the ground.'LPda pile of ashescharcoal and ash crunch underfoot.'LWdburned carpetthe carpet has been scorched by an ancient fire.&Pda puddle of watera puddle of water covers the ground.,\Fda pile of bonesunidentifiable bones, yellowed with age, litter the ground.,,Fda pile of rubblerocky rubble covers the ground.,2da pile of filthy effectsprimitive tools, carvings and trinkets are strewn about the area.,Fdshattered glassjagged chunks of glass from the broken dewar litter the ground.lFd(ectoplasmic residuea thick, glowing substance has congealed on the ground.',Fd1,*sputtering emberssputtering embers cover the ground.:dda spiderwebthick, sticky spiderwebs fill the area.:(da neta dense tangle of netting fills the area.H& -d=dense foliagedense foliage fills the area, thriving on what sunlight trickles in.H&-Pd>dead foliagethe decaying husk of a fungal growth fills the area." <d?d trampled foliagedense foliage fills the area, thriving on what sunlight trickles in.H&-d@%a luminescent fungal forestluminescent fungal growth fills the area, groping upward from the rich soil."<dAd$ trampled fungal foliageluminescent fungal growth fills the area, groping upward from the rich soil.#||4821a green crystalThe translucent green crystal is melting away in front of your eyes.#\|21a dissolving crystalThe translucent green crystal is melting away in front of your eyes.7"\98 a sacred glypha sacred glyph adorns the floor, glowing with a powerful warding enchantment.\,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the ceiling.\,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the floor./,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the ceiling./,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the floor.|,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the wall.|,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the wall.-,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the wall.-,an iron manaclea thick iron manacle is anchored to the wall.'/blinding lightblinding light streams out of the archway.d'7a red glowa red glow fills the area.", k+billowing flamesflames billow upward.", ,sulfurous flamessulfurous flames leap from the unstable bed of brimstone.", m+clouds of infernal flamebillowing infernal flames eat at the floor.", @+a cloud of burning gasburning gas fills the air with flame."l '-a violent explosionthe force of the explosion slams into you." '.a flash of fireflames burst out of the incendiary dart." k +crackling flamescrackling flames rise from the blackened item." k +greasy flamesgreasy flames rise from the corpse. #deDa cloud of caustic gasyou can feel the purple gas eating at your flesh. #de0a cloud of confusion gasthe rainbow-colored gas tickles your brain. #dea cloud of putrescencethe stench of rotting flesh is overpowering. #ea cloud of putrid smokeyou retch violently at the smell of the greasy smoke. L#dea cloud of paralytic gasthe pale gas causes your muscles to stiffen. #defa cloud of explosive gasthe smell of explosive swamp gas fills the air. #e@a cloud of scalding steamscalding steam fills the air! #e1a cloud of supernatural darknesseverything is obscured by an aura of supernatural darkness. l#ea cloud of healing sporesbloodwort spores, renowned for their healing properties, fill the air.H&<\ dEda bloodwort stalkthis spindly plant grows seed pods famous for their healing properties.*L FF Ba bloodwort podthe bloodwort seed pod bursts, releasing a cloud of healing spores.=\l92d an abandoned bedrolla bedroll lies in the corner, disintegrating with age.̽2$_dNdthe ground~|B$(d+N&$luminescent watersblooming algae fills the waters with a swirling luminescence.~|B$'d+P,'$luminescent watersblooming algae fills the waters with a swirling luminescence.:,dd<T thorned vinesthorned vines make a rustling noise as they quiver restlessly."<da tuft of grasstufts of lush grass have improbably pushed upward through the stone ground.̽2$_d!the ground|!a commutation altarcrude diagrams on this altar and its twin invite you to place items upon them.|\a scorched altarscorch marks cover the surface of the altar, but it is cold to the touch.+L-d0!glowing glass pipesglass pipes are set into the floor and emit a soft glow of shifting color.+\-dcharred glass pipesthe inside of the glass pipes are charred.|4a resurrection altarthe souls of the dead surround you. A deceased ally might be called back.|\a scorched altarscorch marks cover the surface of the altar, but it is cold to the touch._ the ground&$,da marble statueThe cold marble statue has weathered the years with grace.&$,da marble statueThe cold marble statue has weathered the years with grace.7"\(da chasmyou plunge downward into the chasm!&(dp a stone bridgethe narrow stone bridge is extending across the chasm.&Pdthe brink of a chasmchilly winds blow upward from the stygian depths.#l&$d?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.#l&$d?a cracking wallCracks are running ominously across the base of this rough stone wall.d@a darkened crystal globeA slight electric shock startles you when you touch the inert crystal globe.d3a shining crystal globeCrackling light streams out of the crystal globe./l&$d? Ca leverThe lever moves.d!d0 a rough granite wallThe granite is split open with splinters of rock jutting out at odd angles.#l&$d?a stone wallThe rough stone wall is firm and unyielding.",,da ceremonial brazierThe ancient brazier smolders with a deep crimson flame.U the mud floorRotting animal matter has been ground into the mud floor; the stench is awful.#d?a mud-covered wallA malodorous layer of clay and fecal matter coats the wall.2khanging animal skinsyou push through the animal skins that hang across the threshold.B$# ,  ,LXXX2L<,,,X X ,^^^^#,,,\XXlXX|XXXX,,  XX,,,,  2,,2|,,2<,,L,,l22,d< ,,d\2l,2XLddL,,\,,,XX 2D+@ +F +0  2D+0+ 0 (D   000 @D   0@0@D  2 D   D EE @A@AP { !DP2  ` 2P 2  36 ` @2* H"@ d F@d 04@*04@*    d F 0@ 0@ P#% % :; #(!=   d  CA @@@` @ A A@ @` (FFN@@<!@ @7<< @? PP:@;@P P2#i D+F +0+0 d) @FP/ NF- ; ( Pd )) q?5AP 5-  P5) @?(<  )hR -A .d ) 7( @ Kx )-  @YxxAa7Z )-  @Yxx Kx)- @]<<AAa (< -H]<<AA#<)-G7 @PZ 1@- J (n )>. q r #Z  - #F)@:BP2_ ^) @:;P  PUd)^):^);P@PPPP@ 2d^) ^> <d )^) ? @P -$$( (Z 1-  (< ) /  ( <Z )@1- 3- )- %%,  P )) $7@`#Z  -# ((d1 @@(8(@D@((@ (Px (2A ((2   .!(Px (<F  1'(P1PP(# (((P1PP(# ((#( :;(#( 9;( `  )(( $$((((( % 1A naked adventurer in an unforgiving place, bereft of equipment and confused about the circumstances.studyingStudyinghitThe rat is a scavenger of the shallows, perpetually in search of decaying animal matter.gnawing atEatingscratchesbitesThe kobold is a lizardlike humanoid of the upper dungeon.poking atExaminingclubsbashesThe jackal prowls the caverns for intruders to rend with $HISHER powerful jaws.tearing atEatingclawsbitesmaulsThe eel slips silently through the subterranean lake, waiting for unsuspecting prey to set foot in $HISHER dark waters.eatingEatingshocksbitesMischievous trickster that $HESHE is, the monkey lives to steal shiny trinkets from passing adventurers.examiningExaminingtweaksbitespunchesA bladder of deadly gas buoys the bloat through the air, $HISHER thin veinous membrane ready to rupture at the slightest stress.gazing atGazingbumpsbursts, leaving behind an expanding cloud of caustic gas!This rare subspecies of bloat is filled with a peculiar vapor that, if released, will cause the floor to vanish out from underneath $HIMHER.gazing atGazingbumpsbursts, causing the floor underneath $HIMHER to disappear!A filthy little primate, the tribalistic goblin often travels in packs and carries a makeshift stone spear.chanting overChantingcutsstabsskewersThis goblin is covered with glowing sigils that pulse with power. $HESHE can call into existence phantom blades to attack $HISHER foes.performing a ritual onPerforming ritualthumpswhackswallopsgestures ominously!This goblin carries no weapon, and $HISHER eyes sparkle with golden light. $HESHE can invoke a powerful shielding magic to protect $HISHER escorts from harm.performing a ritual onPerforming ritualslapspuncheskicksGoblins have created this makeshift totem and imbued $HIMHER with a shamanistic power.gazing atGazinghitsThis mass of caustic pink goo slips across the ground in search of a warm meal.absorbingFeedingsmearsslimesdrenchesThe enormous, warty toad secretes a powerful hallucinogenic slime to befuddle the senses of any creatures that come in contact with $HIMHER.eatingEatingslimesslamsOften hunting in packs, leathery wings and keen senses guide the vampire bat unerringly to $HISHER prey.drainingFeedingnipsbitesA mechanical contraption embedded in the wall, the spring-loaded arrow turret will fire volley after volley of arrows at intruders.gazing atGazingshootsThe acid mound squelches softly across the ground, leaving a trail of acidic goo in $HISHER path.liquefyingFeedingslimesdousesdrenchesThis monstrous centipede's incisors are imbued with a horrible venom that will slowly kill $HISHER prey.eatingEatingpricksstingsThis lumbering creature carries an enormous club that $HESHE can swing with incredible force.examiningStudyingcudgelsclubsbattersThe horrifying bog monster dwells beneath the surface of mud-filled swamps. When $HISHER prey ventures into the mud, the bog monster will ensnare the unsuspecting victim in $HISHER pale tentacles and squeeze its life away.drainingFeedingsqueezesstranglescrushesAncient ogres versed in the eldritch arts have assembled this totem and imbued $HIMHER with occult power.gazing atGazinghitsThe spider's red eyes pierce the darkness in search of enemies to ensnare with $HISHER projectile webs and dissolve with deadly poison.drainingFeedingbitesstingsThis contraption hums with electrical charge that $HISHER embedded crystals and magical sigils can direct at intruders in deadly arcs.gazing atGazingshocksAn ethereal blue flame dances through the air, flickering and pulsing in time to an otherworldly rhythm.consumingFeedingscorchesburnsThe wraith's hollow eye sockets stare hungrily at the world from $HISHER emaciated frame, and $HISHER long, bloodstained nails grope ceaselessly at the air for a fresh victim.devouringFeedingclutchesclawsbitesThe zombie is the accursed product of a long-forgotten ritual. Perpetually decaying flesh, hanging from $HISHER bones in shreds, releases a putrid and flammable stench that will induce violent nausea with one whiff.rendingEatinghitsbitesAn enormous, disfigured creature covered in phlegm and warts, the troll regenerates very quickly and attacks with astonishing strength. Many adventures have ended at $HISHER misshapen hands.eatingEatingcudgelsclubsbludgeonspummelsbattersThis ogre is bent with age, but what $HESHE has lost in physical strength, $HESHE has more than gained in occult power.performing a ritual onPerforming ritualcudgelsclubschants in a harsh, guttural tongue!The serpentine naga live beneath the subterranean waters and emerge to attack unsuspecting adventurers.studyingStudyingclawsbitestail-whipsA serpent wreathed in flames and carrying a burning lash, salamanders dwell in lakes of fire and emerge when they sense a nearby victim, leaving behind a trail of glowing embers.studyingStudyingwhipslashesThis rare subspecies of bloat is little more than a thin membrane surrounding a bladder of highly explosive gases. The slightest stress will cause $HIMHER to rupture in spectacular and deadly fashion.gazing atGazingbumpsdetonates with terrifying force!An elf of the deep, the dar blademaster leaps toward $HISHER enemies with frightening speed to engage in deadly swordplay.studyingStudyinggrazescutsslicesslashesstabsThe dar priestess carries a host of religious relics that jangle as $HESHE walks.praying overPrayingcutsslicesThe dar battlemage's eyes glow like embers and $HISHER hands radiate an occult heat.transmutingTransmutingcutsA jelly subsisting on a diet of acid mounds will eventually express the characteristics of $HISHER prey, corroding any weapons or armor that come in contact with $HIMHER.transmutingTransmutingburnsHalf man and half horse, the centaur is an expert with the bow and arrow -- hunter and steed fused into a single creature.studyingStudyingshootsA strange and horrifying creature of the earth's deepest places, larger than an ogre but capable of squeezing through tiny openings. When hungry, the underworm will burrow behind the walls of a cavern and lurk dormant and motionless -- often for months -- until $HESHE can feel the telltale vibrations of nearby prey.consumingConsumingslamsbitestail-whipsAn ancient statue of an unrecognizable humanoid figure, the sentinel holds aloft a crystal that gleams with ancient warding magic. Sentinels are always found in groups, and each will attempt to repair any damage done to the others.focusing onFocusinghitsA green-flecked nozzle is embedded in the wall, ready to spew a stream of corrosive acid at intruders.gazing atGazingdousesdrenchesThis spring-loaded contraption fires darts that are imbued with a strength-sapping poison.gazing atGazingpricksThis tentacled nightmare will emerge from the subterranean waters to ensnare and devour any creature foolish enough to set foot into $HISHER lake.devouringFeedingslapssmitesbattersThe desiccated form of an ancient sorcerer, animated by dark arts and lust for power, commands the obedience of the infernal planes. $HISHER essence is anchored to reality by a phylactery that is always in $HISHER possession, and the lich cannot die unless $HISHER phylactery is destroyed.enchantingEnchantingtouchesrasps a terrifying incantation!This gem was the fulcrum of a dark rite, performed centuries ago, that bound the soul of an ancient and terrible sorcerer. Hurry and destroy the gem, before the lich can gather its power and regenerate its corporeal form!enchantingEnchantingtouchesswirls with dark sorcery as the lich regenerates its form!A tiny humanoid sparkles in the gloom, the hum of $HISHER beating wings punctuated by intermittent peals of high-pitched laughter. What $HESHE lacks in physical endurance, $HESHE makes up for with $HISHER wealth of mischievous magical abilities.sprinkling dust onDustingpokesA silhouette of mournful rage against an empty backdrop, the phantom slips through the dungeon invisibly in clear air, leaving behind glowing droplets of ectoplasm and the cries of $HISHER unsuspecting victims.permeatingPermeatinghitsThis infernal contraption spits blasts of flame at intruders.incineratingIncineratingpricksThis trickster demon moves with astonishing speed and delights in stealing from $HISHER enemies and blinking away.dissectingDissectingslicescutsA creature of inchoate rage made flesh, the fury's moist wings beat loudly in the darkness.flagellatingFlagellatingdrubsfustigatescastigatesThis unholy specter stalks the deep places of the earth without fear, impervious to conventional attacks.desecratingDesecratinghitsThis seething, towering nightmare of fleshy tentacles slinks through the bowels of the world. The tentacle horror's incredible strength and regeneration make $HIMHER one of the most fearsome creatures of the dungeon.sucking onConsumingslapsbatterscrushesA statue animated by an ancient and tireless magic, the golem does not regenerate and attacks with only moderate strength, but $HISHER stone form can withstand incredible damage before collapsing into rubble.cradlingCradlingbackhandspuncheskicksAn ancient serpent of the world's deepest places, the dragon's immense form belies its lightning-quick speed and testifies to $HISHER breathtaking strength. An undying furnace of white-hot flames burns within $HISHER scaly hide, and few could withstand a single moment under $HISHER infernal lash.consumingConsumingclawstail-whipsbitesTaller, stronger and smarter than other goblins, the warlord commands the loyalty of $HISHER kind and can summon them into battle.chanting overChantingslashescutsstabsskewerslets loose a deafening war cry!This blob of jet-black goo is as rare as $HESHE is deadly. Few creatures of the dungeon can withstand $HISHER caustic assault. Beware.absorbingFeedingsmearsslimesdrenchesThis vampire lives a solitary life deep underground, consuming any warm-blooded creature unfortunate to venture near $HISHER lair.drainingDrinkinggrazesbitesburies $HISHER fangs inspreads his cloak and bursts into a cloud of bats!An elemental creature from another plane of existence, the infernal flamedancer burns with such intensity that $HESHE is painful to behold.immolatingConsumingsingesburnsimmolatesEldritch forces have coalesced to form this flickering, ethereal weapon.gazing atGazingnicksEldritch energies bound up in your armor have leapt forth to project this spectral image.gazing atGazinghitsGuarding the room is a weathered stone statue of a knight carrying a battleaxe, connected to the glowing glyphs on the floor by invisible strands of enchantment.gazing atGazingstrikesA statue of a sword-wielding angel surveys the room, connected to the glowing glyphs on the floor by invisible strands of enchantment.gazing atGazingstrikesA spectral outline of a knight carrying a battleaxe casts an ethereal light on its surroundings.gazing atGazingstrikesAn immortal presence stalks through the dungeon, implacably hunting that which was taken and the one who took it.gazing atGazingstrikesThis totem sits at the center of a summoning circle that radiates a strange energy.gazing atGazingstrikescrackles with energy as you touch the glyph!A prism of shoulder-high mirrored surfaces gleams in the darkness.gazing atGazingstrikesThe unicorn's flowing mane and tail shine with rainbow light, $HISHER horn glows with healing and protective magic, and $HISHER eyes implore you to always chase your dreams. Unicorns are rumored to be attracted to virgins -- is there a hint of accusation in $HISHER gaze?consecratingConsecratingpokesstabsgoresA whirling desert storm given human shape, the ifrit's twin scimitars flicker in the darkness and $HISHER eyes burn with otherworldly zeal.absorbingAbsorbingcutsslasheslaceratesThis legendary bird shines with a brilliant light, and $HISHER wings crackle and pop like embers as they beat the air. When $HESHE dies, legend has it that an egg will form and a newborn phoenix will rise from its ashes.crematingCrematingpecksscratchesclawsCradled in a nest of cooling ashes, the translucent membrane of the phoenix egg reveals a yolk that glows ever brighter by the second.crematingCrematingtouchesbursts as a newborn phoenix rises from the ashes!This mangrove dryad is as old as the earth, and $HISHER gnarled figure houses an ancient power. When angered, $HESHE can call upon the forces of nature to bind $HISHER foes and tear them to shreds.absorbingAbsorbingwhipslashesthrasheslaceratesexplosive2dd2d& A rare mutation will cause $HIMHER to explode violently when $HESHE dies.infested,2dd2d'$HESHE has been infested by deadly lichen spores; poisonous fungus will spread from $HISHER corpse when $HESHE dies.agile<d2dd@@A rare mutation greatly enhances $HISHER mobility.juggernaut,K@A rare mutation has hardened $HISHER flesh, increasing $HISHER health and power but compromising $HISHER speed.grappling|dd2d @ A rare mutation has caused suckered tentacles to sprout from $HISHER frame, increasing $HISHER health and allowing $HIMHER to grapple with $HISHER prey.vampiric\ddddd@A rare mutation allows $HIMHER to heal $HIMSELFHERSELF with every attack.toxic̻ddd@@@A rare mutation causes $HIMHER to poison $HISHER victims and sap their strength with every attack.reflective,ddddd A rare mutation has coated $HISHER flesh with reflective scales.  V          =          X V           =         X  V  ] ## " & ' +-    ( V, .  ! //0 2 1' *' 3'33'22 !'22 '(( ' V110 '33"' 8  6 ), )/ *) 4  CB >8 >/     #     ./+.,/. /!.1 !2 !4   @5@6 (@7 (@ V V( ( V( (V           2 1 3        2 3( 1(  #  #& #' #- #  k(k 2 2  2  2 2  2  2  2. 2+  2  2  2!  2 2  2  2  2  2   2   2 . 2 +  2   2  2 !  2  .( @( @A( @C( @D( @     =       =abomination $(1dar  !animal  goblin  4ogre dragon 3undead 6,)0jelly  5"turret'-infernal 7.0/,waterborne (fireborne 7troll glorpsnargganaflinherbaporanuglogreepnurlofapodernidgepuswoozflemblotoportaermahgerdnurtflurxcrimsonscarletorangeyellowgreenblueindigovioletpucemauveburgundyturquoiseaquamarinegraypinkwhitelavendertanbrowncyanblackteakoakredwoodrowanwillowmahoganypinewoodmaplebambooironwoodpearwoodbirchcherryeucalyptuswalnutcedarrosewoodyewsandalwoodhickoryhemlockbronzesteelbrasspewternickelcopperaluminumtungstentitaniumcobaltchromiumsilverdiamondopalgarnetrubyamethysttopazonyxtourmalinesapphireobsidianmalachiteaquamarineemeraldjadealexandriteagatebloodstonejasperdoor keycage keycrystal orbThe notches on this ancient iron key are well worn; its leather lanyard is battered by age. What door might it open?The rust accreted on this iron key has been stained with flecks of blood; it must have been used recently. What cage might it open?A faceted orb, seemingly cut from a single crystal, sparkling and perpetually warm to the touch. What manner of device might such an object activate?ration of foodmango A ration of food. Was it left by former adventurers? Is it a curious byproduct of the subterranean ecosystem?0 An odd fruit to be found so deep beneath the surface of the earth, but only slightly less filling than a ration of food.daggerswordbroadswordwhiprapierflailmacewar hammerspearwar pikeaxewar axedartincendiary dartjavelinX A simple iron dagger with a well-worn wooden handle. Daggers will deal quintuple damage upon a succesful sneak attack instead of triple damage.`  The razor-sharp length of steel blade shines reassuringly.h This towering blade inflicts heavy damage by investing its heft into every cut.t This lash from this coil of braided leather can tear bark from trees, and it will reach opponents up to five spaces away.| This blade is thin and flexible, designed for deft and rapid maneuvers. It inflicts less damage than comparable weapons, but permits you to attack twice as quickly. If there is one space between you and an enemy and you step directly toward it, you will perform a devastating lunge attack, which deals treble damage and never misses.  The spiked iron ball can be whirled at the end of its chain in synchronicity with your movement, allowing you a free attack whenever moving between two spaces that are adjacent to an enemy. The iron flanges at the head of this weapon inflict substantial damage with every weighty blow. Because of its heft, it takes two turns when it hits. L#Few creatures can withstand the crushing blow of this towering mass of lead and steel, but only the strongest of adventurers can effectively wield it. Because of its heft, it takes two turns when it hits. J A slender wooden rod tipped with sharpened iron. The reach of the spear permits you to simultaneously attack an adjacent enemy and the enemy directly behind it. p A long steel pole ending in a razor-sharp point. The reach of the pike permits you to simultaneously attack an adjacent enemy and the enemy directly behind it. & The blunt iron edge on this axe glints in the darkness. The arc of its swing permits you to attack all adjacent enemies simultaneously.  The enormous steel head of this war axe puts considerable heft behind each stroke. The arc of its swing permits you to attack all adjacent enemies simultaneously. These simple metal spikes are weighted to fly true and sting their prey with a flick of the wrist.  The barbed spike on each of these darts is designed to stick to its target while the compounds strapped to its length explode into flame. ( This length of metal is weighted to keep the spike at its tip foremost as it sails through the air.leather armorscale mailchain mailbanded mailsplint mailplate armorp This lightweight armor offers basic protection.p ^ ((Bronze scales cover the surface of treated leather, offering greater protection than plain leather with minimal additional weight.p  22Interlocking metal links make for a tough but flexible suit of armor.p FFOverlapping strips of metal horizontally encircle a chain mail base, offering an additional layer of protection at the cost of greater weight.q ZZThick plates of metal are embedded into a chain mail base, providing the wearer with substantial protection.q nnEnormous plates of metal are joined together into a suit that provides unmatched protection to any adventurer strong enough to bear its staggering weight.speedquietusparalysismultiplicityslowingconfusionforceslayingmercyplentymultiplicitymutualityabsorptionreprisalimmunityreflectionrespirationdampeningburdenvulnerabilityimmolationenchantingidentifyteleportationremove curserechargingprotect armorprotect weaponsanctuarymagic mappingnegationshatteringdiscordaggravate monsterssummon monsterslifestrengthtelepathylevitationdetect magicspeedfire immunityinvisibilitycaustic gasparalysishallucinationconfusionincinerationdarknessdescentcreeping deathslownesspolymorphismdominationbeckoningplentyempowermentlightningfireboltpoisontunnelingblinkingentrancementobstructionconjurationhealinghasteprotectionclairvoyancestealthregenerationtransferencelightawarenesswisdomreapinghealthguardianteleportation spellcasts a teleport spellcan teleport other creatures  slowing spellcasts a slowing spellcan slow $HISHER enemies̻ polymorph spellcasts a polymorphism spellcan polymorph other creatures negation magiccasts a negation spellcan cast negationL domination spellcasts a domination spellcan dominate other creatures beckoning spellcasts a beckoning spellcan cast beckoning̼ spell of plentycasts a spell of plentycan duplicate other creatures Dinvisibility magiccasts invisibility magiccan turn creatures invisible empowerment sorcerycasts empowermentcan cast empowerment Dlightningcasts lightningcan hurl lightning bolts flamecasts a gout of flamecan hurl gouts of flame  poison raycasts a poison raycan cast poisonous bolts tunneling magiccasts tunnelingcan tunnel blink trajectoryblinkscan blinkentrancement raycasts entrancementcan cast entrancementl obstruction magiccasts obstructioncan cast obstruction| spell of discordcasts a spell of discordcan cast discord conjuration magiccasts a conjuration boltcan cast conjuration<  healing magiccasts healingcan heal $HISHER allieslhaste spellcasts a haste spellcan haste $HISHER alliesslowing spellcasts a slowing spellcan slow $HISHER enemies̻protection magiccasts protectioncan cast protectionLspiderweblaunches a sticky webcan launch sticky webs* 9:@hsparkshoots a sparkcan throw sparks of lightning  dragonfirebreathes a gout of white-hot flamecan breathe gouts of white-hot flame, mXarrowshoots an arrowattacks from a distance!,hpoisoned dartfires a dartfires strength-sapping darts!|hacid spraysprays a stream of acidsprays streams of acid*|hgrowing vinesreleases carnivorous vines into the groundconjures carnivorous vines"|<;@(whipwhipswields a whip*|hPure MageAscend without using fists or a weapon.Pure WarriorAscend without using a staff, wand or charm.PacifistAscend without attacking a creature.ArchivistAscend without drinking a potion or reading a scroll.CompanionJourney with an ally through 20 depths.SpecialistEnchant an item up to or above +16.JellymancerObtain at least 90 jelly allies simultaneously.IndomitableAscend without taking damage.MysticAscend without eating.DragonslayerKill a dragon with a melee attack.PaladinAscend without attacking an unaware or fleeing creature.is invisibleis an inanimate objectcannot moveflees at low healthcorrodes weapons when hitis immune to weapon damagefliesmoves erraticallyis immune to firecannot be entangledcan reflect magic spellsnever sleepsburns unceasinglyis invulnerableis at home in watercannot venture onto dry landsubmergeskeeps $HISHER distanceis animated purely by magicmoves only when activatedcan induce hallucinationscan steal itemscan possess $HISHER summoned alliescorrodes armor when $HESHE hitscan summon alliesimmobilizes $HISHER preyinjects poison when $HESHE hitsdivides in two when struckdies when $HESHE attacksrecovers health when $HESHE inflicts damagesaps strength when $HESHE inflicts damageattacks up to two opponents in a lineattacks all adjacent opponents at onceattacks enemies at a distanceavoids attacking in corridors in a groupis telepathically bonded with youhas been immobilizedis currently holding $HISHER prey immobileis submergedis anchored to reality by $HISHER summoner %sk: %sFaster playback %sj: %sSlower playback %s---%s0-9: %sFast forward to turn %s>:%s Next Level %sZ: %sRest until better %sA: %sAutopilot %s&: %sEasy mode %sS: %sSuspend game and quit %sO: %sOpen suspended game %sV: %sView saved recording ShowHide %s\: %s%s color effects Display %s]: %s%s stealth range %sD: %sDiscovered items %s~: %sView dungeon seed %s?: %sHelp to title screenwithout saving %sQ: %sQuit %s Unpause (%sspace%s) Omniscience (%stab%s) Next Turn (%sl%s) Menu E%sx%splore Rest (%sz%s) Search (%ss%s) Menu %sI%snventory Examine what? (, mouse, or )!j&;~\*[!Waypoints:It's too dark to explore!I see no path for further exploration.Event error!I see no way down.I see no way up.Color effects disabled. Press '\' again to enable.Color effects enabled. Press '\' again to disable.Stealth range displayed. Press ']' again to hide.Stealth range hidden. Press ']' again to display.End this game and view a recording?.broguerecView recording: File not found.End this game and load a saved game?.broguesaveOpen saved game: Suspend this game? (This feature is still in beta.)End this game and begin a new game?Quit this game without saving?Quit ~ ~09 -- Press space or click to continue -- %sY%ses %sN%so --MORE-- Asked to decode a color escape that didn't exist! -- PLAYBACK -- Turn %li/%li [OUT OF SYNC] [PAUSED] -- Depth: %i --%s -- Commands -- mouse ****move cursor (including to examine monsters and terrain) click ****travel control-click ****advance one space ****enable keyboard cursor control ****disable keyboard cursor controlhjklyubn, arrow keys, or numpad ****move or attack (control or shift to run) a/e/r/t/d/c/R ****apply/equip/remove/throw/drop/call/relabel an itemi, right-click ****view inventory D ****list discovered items z ****rest once Z ****rest for 100 turns or until something happens s ****search for secret doors and traps <, > ****travel to stairs x ****auto-explore (control-x: fast forward) A ****autopilot (control-A: fast forward) M ****display old messages S ****suspend game and quit O ****open saved game V ****view saved recording Q ****quit to title screen \ ****disable/enable color effects ] ****display/hide stealth range ****clear message or cancel command -- press space or click to continue -- (%i%%)-- SCROLLS ---- RINGS ---- POTIONS ---- STAFFS ---- WANDS ---- press any key to continue ---- HIGH SCORES --%s%i)%liPress space to continue.Dungeon seed #%lu; turn #%lu xxxx(invisible)(dark)(lit): %s xxxx(%s)HealthNutritionNutrition (Hungry)Nutrition (Weak)Nutrition (Faint) STARVING %s%iLevitatingFlyingFatal PoisonPoisoned%s (x%i) (Captive) (Helpless) (Sleeping) (Ally) (Fleeing) (Worshiping) (Guarding) (Wandering) (Off balance) (Hunting) Str: %s%i%s Armor: %iStr: %s%i%s Armor: %i?Gold: %li%sStealth range: %i%s (Dancing) (Singing) (Pontificating) (Skipping) (Spinning) (Crying) (Laughing) (Humming) (Whistling) (Quivering) (Muttering) (Gibbering) (Shrieking) (Caterwauling) Donning ArmorWeakened: -TelepathicHallucinatingSlowedHastedConfusedBurningParalyzedStuckNauseousDiscordantImmune to FireFrightenedEntrancedDarkenedLifespanShieldedInvisible @: %sa%spply %sr%semove %se%squip %sd%srop %st%shrow %sc%sall %sR%selabel 2*4  @something has gone terribly wrong!a pressure plate clicks underneath the %s!Error: Expected item; item not found.you found %i pieces of gold.you already have the Amulet of Yendor.you now have %s (%c).Your pack is too full to pick up %s.the runes vanish from your %s!s%s shatter%s from the strain!The %s plunge%s out of sight!inscribe: %s ""they'reit's%s %s.Call what? (a-z, shift for more info; or to cancel)you already know what that is.Inscribe this particular item instead of all similar items?call them: "mango%ssome foodration%s of food%s%s+%s%i %s%s of %s slaying%s%s of %s%s (unknown runic)%s%s <%i>%s of %s immunity%s of %s%s%s [%i]<%i>%s%i %s%s [%i]<%i>scroll%s of %sscroll%s called %s%s%sscroll%s entitled %s"%s"%spotion%s of %spotion%s called %s%s%s%s%s%s potion%swand%s of %swand%s called %s%s%s%s%s%s wand%s%s%s [%i]%s%s (used %i times)twiceonce%s%s (used %s)staff%s of %sstaff%s called %s%s%s%s%s%s staff%s%s%s [%i/%i]%s%s [?/%i]ring%s of %sring%s called %s%s%s%s%s%s ring%s%s charm%s%s %s(%i%%) (ready)gold piece%s%sAmulet%s of Yendor%s%slumenstone%s%s%s%s%s from depth %iunknown item%s%i the na%s %s "%s"UNIEU         ' -(#(###(--( (%c) It will increase your maximum health by %s%i%%%s.ThisTheseitthey%s flask%s contain%s a swirling %s liquid. Who knows what %s will do when drunk or thrown?isare%s parchment%s %s covered with indecipherable writing, and bear%s a title of "%s." Who knows what %s will do when read aloud?This gnarled %s staff is warm to the touch. Who knows what it will do when used?This thin %s wand is warm to the touch. Who knows what it will do when used?This metal band is adorned with a%s %s gem that glitters in the darkness. Who knows what effect it has when worn? What a perplexing charm!Legends are told about this mysterious golden amulet, and hundreds of adventurers have perished in its pursuit. Unfathomable riches await anyone with the skill and ambition to carry it into the light of day.'ss'Mysterious lights swirl and fluoresce beneath the stone%s surface. Lumenstones are said to contain mysterious properties of untold power, but for you, they mean one thing: riches.A pile of %i shining gold coins.them (You found %s on depth %i.) not yet You are %shungry enough to fully enjoy a %s. The %s bear%s an intrinsic enchantment of %s+%i%s The %s bear%s an intrinsic penalty of %s%i%s The %s bear%s no intrinsic enchantmentandbutcarriescarryan additionalabonus of +penalty of excessinadequate, %s %s %s %s%s%.2f%s because of your %s strength. . You can feel an %saura of benevolent magic%s radiating from the %s. also The %s %s%s a %s%s%.2f%s because of your %s strength. moreenemyenemiesIt will reveal its secrets if you defeat %i%s %s with it. It will reveal its secrets if worn for %i%s turn%s. , assuming it has no hidden properties,decreaseincreaseWielding the %s%s will %s your current accuracy by %s%i%%%s, and will %s your current damage by %s%i%%%s. Wearing the %s%s will result in an armor rating of %s%i%s. %sThe %s cannot be corroded by acid.%s Equipping the %s will %s%s your stealth range by %i%s. Glowing runes of %s adorn the %s. It will never fail to slay a%s %s in a single stroke. %i%% of the time that it hits an enemy, %i spectral %s%s will spring into being with accuracy and attack power equal to your own, and will dissipate %i turns later. (If the %s is enchanted, %i image%s will appear %i%% of the time, and will last %i turns.)Sometimes, when it hits an enemy, spectral %ss will spring into being with accuracy and attack power equal to your own, and will dissipate shortly thereafter.Its runic effect will almost never activate because of your inadequate strength, but sometimes, when%i%% of the time thatSometimes, when it hits an enemy, %s for %i turns. up to %i spaces backward. If the enemy hits an obstruction, it (and any monster it hits) will take damage in proportion to the distance it flew. by 50% of its maximum health. (If the %s is enchanted, the chance will increase to %i%% and the distance will increase to %i.) and the duration will increase to %i turns.).) Glowing runes of an indecipherable language run down the length of the %s. , and because it is cursed, you are powerless to let go You hold the %s at the ready%s. %sYou can feel a malevolent magic lurking within the %s.%s When worn, 33%% of the time that an enemy's attack connects, %i allied spectral duplicate%s of your attacker will appear for 3 turns. (If the %s is enchanted, the number of duplicates will increase to %i.) When worn, the damage that you incur from physical attacks will be split evenly among yourself and all other adjacent enemies. remain atincrease toIt will reduce the damage of inbound attacks by a random amount between 0 and %i, which is %i%% of your current maximum health. (If the %s is enchanted, this maximum amount will %s %i.) It will reduce the damage of inbound attacks by a random amount determined by its enchantment level. Any enemy that attacks you will itself be wounded by %i%% of the damage that it inflicts. (If the %s is enchanted, this percentage will increase to %i%%.) Any enemy that attacks you will itself be wounded by a percentage (determined by enchantment level) of the damage that it inflicts. It offers complete protection from any attacking %s. When worn, you will deflect %i%% of incoming spells -- including directly back at their source %i%% of the time. (If the armor is enchanted, these will increase to %i%% and %i%%.) When worn, %i%% of your own spells will deflect from their target -- including directly back at you %i%% of the time. (If the armor is enchanted, these will decrease to %i%% and %i%%.) When worn, you will deflect some percentage of incoming spells, determined by enchantment level. When worn, it will maintain a pocket of fresh air around you, rendering you immune to the effects of steam and all toxic gases. When worn, it will safely absorb the concussive impact of any explosions (though you may still be burned). 10% of the time it absorbs a blow, it will permanently become heavier. While it is worn, inbound attacks will inflict twice as much damage. 10% of the time it absorbs a blow, it will explode in flames. Glowing runes of an indecipherable language spiral around the %s. , and because it is cursed, you are powerless to remove it You are wearing the %s%s. , with your current rings, The %s has %i charges remaining out of a maximum of %i charges, and%s recovers a charge in approximately %i turns. The %s has a maximum of %i charges, and recovers its charges gradually over time. This staff deals damage to every creature in its line of fire; nothing is immune. (If the staff is enchanted, its average damage will increase by %i%%.)This staff deals damage to any creature that it hits, unless the creature is immune to fire. (If the staff is enchanted, its average damage will increase by %i%%.) It also sets creatures and flammable terrain on fire.The bolt from this staff will poison any creature that it hits for %i turns. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i turns.)The bolt from this staff will dissolve %i layers of obstruction. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i layers.)This staff enables you to teleport up to %i spaces. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i spaces.)This staff will compel its target to mirror your movements for %i turns. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i turns.)This staff will heal its target by %i%% of its maximum health. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i%%.)This staff will completely heal its target.This staff will cause its target to move twice as fast for %i turns. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i turns.)This staff will cause discord for %i turns. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i turns.)%i phantom blades will be called into service. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i blades.)This staff will shield a creature for up to 20 turns against up to %i damage. (If the staff is enchanted, this will increase to %i damage.)No one knows what this staff does.%i charge%s remain%s. Enchanting this wand will add %i charge%s.No charges remain. Enchanting this wand will add %i charge%s.You have used this wand %i time%s, but do not know how many charges, if any, remain.You have not yet used this wand. Wands of this type can be found with %i to %i charges. Enchanting this wand will add %i charge%s. This ring provides magical sight with a radius of %i. (If the ring is enchanted, this will increase to %i.) This ring magically blinds you to a radius of %i. (If the ring is enchanted, this will decrease to %i.) With this ring equipped, you will regenerate all of your health in %li turns (instead of %li). (If the ring is enchanted, this will decrease to %li turns.)healharm Dealing direct damage to a creature (whether in melee or otherwise) will %s you by %i%% of the damage dealt. (If the ring is enchanted, this will %s to %i%%.) When worn, your staffs will recharge at %i%% of their normal rate. (If the ring is enchanted, the rate will increase to %i%% of the normal rate.)rechargedrain Each blow that you land in melee will %s your staffs and charms by 0-%i turns per point of damage dealt. (If the ring is enchanted, this will %s to 0-%i turns per point of damage.) It will reveal its secrets if worn for %i%s turn%s, and until you understand its secrets, it will function as a +%i ring.. The %s is on your finger%s. When used, the charm will heal %i%% of your health and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, it will heal %i%% of your health and recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will shield you for up to 20 turns against up to %i damage and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, it will block up to %i damage and recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will haste you for %i turns and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, the haste will last %i turns and it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will grant you immunity to fire for %i turns and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, the immunity will last %i turns and it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will turn you invisible for %i turns and recharge in %i turns. While invisible, monsters more than two spaces away cannot track you. (If the charm is enchanted, the invisibility will last %i turns and it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will grant you telepathy for %i turns and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, the telepathy will last %i turns and it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will lift you off the ground for %i turns and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, the levitation will last %i turns and it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will dissolve the nearby walls and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, a guardian will materialize for %i turns, and the charm will recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, the guardian will last for %i turns and the charm will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will teleport you elsewhere in the dungeon and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will recharge your staffs (though not your wands or charms), after which it will recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, it will recharge in %i turns.) When used, the charm will negate all magical effects on the creatures in your field of view and the items on the ground up to %i spaces away, and recharge in %i turns. (If the charm is enchanted, it will reach up to %i spaces and recharge in %i turns.)time will stop while you take an extra turnthe enemy will die instantlythe enemy will be paralyzed[multiplicity]the enemy will be slowedthe enemy will be confusedthe enemy will be flung[slaying]the enemy will be healedthe enemy will be clonedYour pack is empty! (in hand) (worn) %c%c %s* %s* %s%s%s%s %c%c %s%s* %s%s%s%sNothing of that type!%s%s You have room for %i more item%s.%s%s Your pack is full.%s%s -- press (a-z) for more info -- %s%s---You have nothing suitable.You can barely lift the %s; %i more strength would be ideal.You stagger under the weight of the %s; %i more strength would be ideal.Equip what? (a-z, shift for more info; or to cancel)you are already wearing that ring.You are already wearing two rings; remove which first?Invalid entry.You can't remove your %s: it appears to be cursed.already equipped.You can't; the %s you are using appears to be cursed.wieldingwearingNow %s %s.you wince as your grip involuntarily tightens around your %s.your %s constricts around you painfully.your %s tightens around your finger painfully.your %s seizes you with a malevolent force.You can't equip that.You hear a piercing shriek; something must have triggered a nearby alarm.%s dissipates into thin air%s shatters into tiny pieces%s falls to the ground, lifelessyour muscles weaken as an enervating toxin fills your veins.you feel yourself slow down.you feel yourself speed up.%s looks healthieryou can somehow tell that you are alone on this depth at the moment.you can somehow feel the presence of other creatures' minds!a surge of energy courses through your pack, recharging your staffstaffs and , wandwandscharmcharmsa surge of energy courses through your pack, but nothing happens.%s emits a numbing torrent of anti-magic!%s emits a wave of unsettling purple radiation!the%s ignore%s %s %sKilled by a reflected %sdestroyskills%s %s %s %sget destroyeddieyou hear %s %s%s %s hits %s%s is bound to your will!%s resists the bolt of domination.feellooksfatallyvery%s %s %s sickthe bolt hits you and you suddently feel disoriented.%s is entranced!%s deflect%s the %sthe bolt reflects off of %shave beenbe(It must %s %s.)(Your %s must be %s.)destroyedkilledthe %s %s %s.the %s hit %s.the %s missed %s.%s hurls %s.the flask shatters and a deadly purple cloud billows out!the flask shatters and a multi-hued cloud billows out!the flask shatters and a cloud of pink gas billows out!the flask shatters and its contents burst violently into flame!the flask shatters and the lights in the area start fading.as the flask shatters, the ground vanishes!the flask shatters and deadly spores spill out!againstintoonthe flask shatters and %s liquid splashes harmlessly %s %s.Throw what? (a-z, shift for more info; or to cancel)Are you sure you want to throw your %s?You cannot unequip your %s; it appears to be cursed.yourThrow %s %s where? (, mouse, or )Relabel what? (a-z, shift for more info; or to cancel)New letter? (a-z)Relabeled %s as (%c); rR%selabeled %s as (%c).%s %s already labeled (%c).that would be certain death!Blink across lava with unknown range?Your %s has no charges.Direction? (, mouse, or ; to confirm)Zapping your %s:(Your %s must be Your %s fizzles; it must be out of charges for now.Your %s fizzles; it must be depleted.You feel much healthier.A shimmering shield coalesces around you.you no longer fear fire.You shiver as a chill runs up your spine.you float into the air!your charm emits a wave of turquoise light that pierces the nearby walls!your charm flashes and the form of a mythical guardian coalesces!your charmApply what? (a-z, shift for more info; or to cancel)readdrinkscrollpotionReally %s a %s of %s?Really %s a cursed %s?mangoYou're not hungry enough to fully enjoy the %s. Eat it anyway?That food tasted delicious!My, what a yummy mango!Your %s hasn't finished recharging.you can't apply %s. or this is a scroll of identify.everything in your pack is already identified.Identify what? (a-z; shift for more info)you already know %s %s.this isthese areyour pack glows with a cleansing light, and a malevolent energy disperses.your pack glows with a cleansing light, but nothing happens.this is a scroll of enchantment.you have nothing that can be enchanted.Enchant what? (a-z; shift for more info)Can't enchant that.your %s gleam%s briefly in the darkness.a malevolent force leaves your %s.a protective golden light covers your %s.a protective golden light surrounds you, but it quickly disperses.a protective golden light covers your empty hands, but it quickly disperses.sprays of color arc to the ground, forming glyphs where they alight.this scroll has a map on it!the scroll emits a piercing shriek that echoes throughout the dungeon!the fabric of space ripples, and monsters appear!the fabric of space ripples, and a monster appears!the fabric of space boils violently around you, but nothing happens.the scrollthe scroll emits a wave of turquoise light that pierces the nearby walls!you heal completely and %syour maximum health increases by %i%%.colors are everywhere! The walls are singing!as you uncork the flask, it explodes in flame!your vision flickers as a cloak of darkness settles around you!vapor pours out of the flask and causes the floor to disappear!newfound strength surges through your body.caustic gas billows out of the open flask!your muscles stiffen as a cloud of pink gas bursts from the open flask!a shimmering cloud of rainbow-colored gas billows out of the open flask!a handful of tiny spores burst out of the open flask!you can somehow feel the presence of magic on the level and in your pack.you can somehow feel the presence of magic on the level.you can somehow feel the presence of magic in your pack.you can somehow feel the absence of magic on the level and in your pack.a comforting breeze envelops you, and you no longer fear fire.you shiver as a chill runs up your spine.you feel very strange, as though your body doesn't know how to react!Remove (unequip) what? (a-z or to cancel)waswereyour %s %s not equipped.you can't; your %s appear%s to be cursed.you are no longer %s %s.Drop what? (a-z, shift for more info; or to cancel)you can't; your %s appears to be cursed.You dropped %s.There is already something there.No such item.ERROR: An item was supposed to be here, but I couldn't find it. %s%s%s R %i%i: youthe %s%syour something$HESHEyouhesheit$HIMHERyouhimherit$HISHERyourhisherits$HIMSELFHERSELFyourselfhimselfherselfitself%s looks strongeranother %s appears!clone%s %supto death%s burns %s.%s dissipates into thin air.%s dies of poison.ERROR! Bad perimeter coordinate request!%s blinks%s begins %s the fallen %s.%s finished %s the %s.%s %s!%s now %s! Your %s (%c) will not harm %s.destroykill Your %s (%c) will %s the %s in one hit. Your %s (%c) will hit %s for between %i%% and %i%% of $HISHER current health. Your %s (%c) will not affect %s. Your %s (%c) will poison %s for %i%% of $HISHER current health. A wand of domination will have no effect on objects like %s. A wand of domination will have no effect on %s. A wand of domination will fail at %s's current health level. A wand of domination will always succeed at %s's current health level. A wand of domination will have a %i%% chance of success at %s's current health level. %s inon%s is trapped %s %s. %s writhes helplessly on dry land. Your %s renders you immune to %s. %s deals no direct damage. %s has a %i%% chance to poison you and typically poisons for %i turns. s%s has a %i%% chance to poison you, typically poisons for %i turns, and at worst, could fatally poison you in %i hit%s. %s has a %i%% chance to hit you, typically hits for %i%% of your current health, and at worst, could defeat you in %i hit%s. %s is your ally.$HESHE seems ready to learn something new.$HESHE seems ready to learn %i new talents.%s is being held captive.You deal no direct damage.Your %s will slay %s in one stroke.%s is immune to your attacks.You have a %i%% chance to hit %s, typically hit for %i%% of $HISHER current health, and at best, could defeat $HIMHER in %i hit%s.%s has %s.%s attacks quicklyattacks slowly& moves quicklymoves slowlydoes not regenerateregenerates quickly. andyou are hovering above %s.benevolent magicmalevolent magicthe Amulet of Yendormysterious magicyou can detect the aura of %s here.smalllargeunder coming from within over hereyou can sense a %s psychic emanation %s%s.you remember seeing %s here.you expect %s to be here.you can perceive the faint outline of %s in %s.is embeddedis trappedis shackled in placeis frozen in placeis entangledis flyingis hoveringoveris glidingis driftingis swimmingis strugglingis suspended in mid-airis staggeringis lyingis restingis sleepingis wanderingis standingis fleeingis chargingis following you, burning,throughacrossinonisare enclosed drifting lyingseesenseyou %s %s.%s %s %s %s.unknown terrainthe %syou use your %s %s %s.s%s vomit%s profuselyyou free the grateful %s and gain a faithful ally.Degrade your %s by attacking %s?||~~\//\Risk stumbling into lava?you struggle but cannot free yourself.Free the captive %s?you struggle but %s is holding your legs!you cannot move; %s is holding your legs!that would be certain death!Dive into the depths?Venture into flame?Step onto the pressure plate?kjhlybunYou have not explored that location.Travel this route? (y/n)No path is available.Not while you're confused.Exploring... press any key to stop.Playing... press any key to stop.you are already there.You descend.the crystal archway repels you with a mysterious force!(Only the bearer of the Amulet of Yendor may pass.)You ascend.The dungeon exit is magically sealed!you see %s.  0123456789 Error: the number %li does not fit in %i bytes.wbr+b1.7.4abrbPlayback is out of sync.Playback of the recording has diverged from the originally recorded game. This could be caused by recording or playing the file on a modified version of Brogue, or it could simply be the result of a bug. (The recording feature is still in beta for this reason.) If this is a different computer from the one on which the recording was saved, the recording might succeed on the original computer. Playback panic at location %li! Saved game loaded Unrecognized event type in playback.Unrecognized event type in playback: event ID %ir%lu This file is from version %s and cannot be opened in version %s.Event type mismatch in RNG check. Expected RNG output of %li; got %i. Out of sync Commands: : ****pause or unpause playback k or up arrow: ****play back faster j or down arrow: ****play back slower >: ****skip to next level 0-9: ****skip to specified turn numberl or right arrow: ****advance one turn (shift for 5 turns; control for 20) : ****enable or disable omniscience return: ****examine surroundings i: ****display inventory D: ****display discovered items V: ****view saved recording O: ****open and resume saved game N: ****begin a new game Q: ****quit to title screen -- press any key to continue --[ Loading... ]Go to turn number: %lu Past end of recording Already at turn %li recording paused. Press space to play.recording unpaused. Faster Slower Omniscience enabled.Omniscience disabled. Loading... Already reached deepest depth explored Already at end of recording Rewind?.broguerecView recording: File not found..broguesaveOpen saved game: Close recording and begin a new game?Color effects disabled. Press '\' again to enable.Color effects enabled. Press '\' again to disable.Stealth range displayed. Press ']' again to hide.Stealth range hidden. Press ']' again to display.%s%s%s %iSaved gameSave game as ( to cancel): File of that name already exists. Overwrite?Saved.RecordingSave recording as ( to cancel): LastRecordingLastGameKey: %c (%s)Key: %i (%s)downleftrightup arrowleft arrowdown arrowright arrowupleftuprightdownleftdownrightdescendascendrestauto restsearchinventoryacknowledgeequipunequipapplythrowrelabeldropcallhelpdiscoveriesrepeat travelexploreautoplayseedeasy modeescapereturnenterdeletetabperiodopen filenumpad 0numpad 1numpad 2numpad 3numpad 4numpad 5numpad 6numpad 7numpad 8numpad 9unknownERROR + CRTL + SHIFTParse recording: Recording.broguerecRecording Description.txtwParsed file "%s": Version: %s Seed: %li Number of turns: %li Number of depth changes: %li File length: %li Mouse click: (%i, %i) RNG check: %iSaved game loadedUNKNOWN EVENT TYPE: %i Event %li, loc %li, length %li:%s %sFile parsed.rb.txt Benchmark took a total of %lu seconds. <(dHello and welcome, adventurer, to the Dungeons of Doom!Retrieve the Amulet of Yendor from the %ith floor and escape with it!Press for help at any time.The doors to the dungeon slam shut behind you.7"%"H&@&j&!%&%)) !!!!"")/* An alien energy permeates the area. The Amulet of Yendor must be nearby!An overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility settles upon you.(The player quit at this point.)You die... (press 'i' to view your inventory) -- Press space or click to continue, or press 'i' to view inventory -- %s on depth %inKilled by a%s %s on depth %i with %li gold, amulet in hand.%s: %sLight streams through the portal, and you are teleported out of the dungeon.Congratulations; you have transcended the Dungeons of Doom! You retire in splendor, forever renowned for your remarkable triumph. You are bathed in sunlight as you throw open the heavy doors.Congratulations; you have escaped from the Dungeons of Doom! You sell your treasures and live out your days in fame and glory.Gold%liThe Birthright of YendorTOTAL:MasteredEscaped%s the Dungeons of Doom!%s the Dungeons of Doom with a lumenstone!%s the Dungeons of Doom with %i lumenstones!Alas, all hope of salvation is lost. You shed scalding tears at your plight.A dark presence surrounds you, whispering promises of stolen power.Succumb to demonic temptation (i.e. enable Easy Mode)?An ancient and terrible evil burrows into your willing flesh!Wracked by spasms, your body contorts into an ALL-POWERFUL AMPERSAND!!!You have a feeling that you will take 20% as much damage from now on.But great power comes at a great price -- specifically, a 90% income tax rate.The evil dissipates, hissing, from the air around you.1.7.4#2<######## ######## ###### ####### #### ### ######### ## ### ## ### ## ### ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ## ## ## ### ## # ## # ## # ## ## ## ## # # ## # # ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## # ## # ###### ## ### ## #### ## ## ## # ####### ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ##### ## # ## # ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ### ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ## # # ## ## ## # ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ### ## ### # ## # ## ## ## ## ### ## ### ### ### # ## ######### #### ### ###### ##### ###### ######### ## ########## ## ## #### %sN%sew Game %sN%sew Game (custom) %sO%spen Game %sV%siew Recording %sH%sigh Scores %sQ%suit OK %c) ... * No applicable files found. %s (captive) (vault %i) %s (allied)Brogue seed catalog.txtwLastGame.broguesaveBrogue seed catalog, seeds %li to %li, through depth %i. To play one of these seeds, press control-N from the title screen and enter the seed number. Knowing which items will appear on the first %i depths will, of course, make the game significantly easier. Seed %li: Scanned seed %li. Depth %i: %s%luGenerate dungeon with seed number:Open saved game:.broguerecView recording:you catch fire!%s catches fire!A pocket of cool, clean air swirls around you.you plunge into %s!Killed by %s%s is consumed by %s instantly!a pressure plate clicks underneath %s!a pressure plate clicks!you are stuck fast in %s!%s is stuck fast in %s!Your %s pulses and absorbs the damage.is destroyed bydies in%s %s %s.%s engulfs %s.Your armor trembles and a pocket of clean air swirls around you.s%s choke%s and gag%s on the overpowering stench of decay.feellooks%s %s very confused!areis%s %s paralyzed!the lichen's grasping tendrils poison %s.%s float%s away in the current!%s dies.you feel much better. and have no foodyou are hungry%s.you feel weak with hunger%s.you feel faint with hunger%s.mangoration of foodunable to control your hunger, you eat a %s.you are starving to death!%s burn%s up! <%i%% health >%i%% poisoned Fatally poisoned  (dZ2you have developed a telepathic bond with your %s.You plunge downward!You are damaged by the fall.Killed by a fallA strange force seizes you as you fall.%s plunges out of sight!you are now familiar enough with your %s to identify it.they areit is%s %s.your %s has recharged.you are no longer on fire.%s plummets from above and splatters against the ground!%s falls from above and crashes to the ground!%s swoops into the cavern from above.your preternatural mental sensitivity fades.your hallucinations fade.you are no longer levitating.you no longer feel confused.you feel less nauseous.you can move again.your supernatural speed fades.your normal speed resumes.strength returns to your muscles as the weakening toxin wears off.you no longer feel immune to fire.you are no longer invisible.Starved to death%s dissipates into thin airBurned to deathDied from poisonseesensenyou %s a%s %s.the runes on your %s gleam balefully.the runes on your %s glow protectively.better head back to solid ground!you're past the point of no return!--help -h print this help message --version -V print the version (i.e., 1.7.4) --target print the makefile target (i.e., curses) --scores dump scores to output and exit immediately -n start a new game, skipping the menu -s seed start a new game with the specified numerical seed -o filename[.broguesave] open a save file (extension optional) -v recording[.broguerec] view a recording (extension optional) --no-menu -M never display the menu (automatically pick new game) --term -t run in ncurses-based terminal modeBad argument: %s --scores--seed-s-n--no-menu-M--noteye-hack-o--open.broguesave-v--view.broguerec-V--version1.7.4--targetcurses-?-h--help--term-tBrogueHighScores.txtw%li %li %s(empty entry) r%li %li %m/%d/%ykeymap%li %li %s %d %s %s ./Brogue 1.7.4]2;%sTerminal[%dt[8;%d;%dt[?30h[?30lYour terminal has no color support. TERMxtermgnomest???Brogue needs a terminal window that is at least [%d x %d]If your terminal can be resized, resize it now. Press ctrl-c at any time to quit. Width: %d/%d Height: %d/%d Colors (pairs): %d (%d) NONETABENTERRETURNSPACEESCESCAPEBREAKSRESETRESETDOWNUPLEFTRIGHTHOMEBACKSPACEF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12DLILDCDELDELETEICEICCLEAREOSEOLSFSRPGUPPGDNPAGEDOWNPAGEUPNPAGEPPAGESTABCTABCATABPRINTLLA1A3B2C1C3BTABBEGCANCELCLOSECOMMANDCOPYCREATEENDEXITFINDHELPMARKMESSAGEMOVENEXTOPENOPTIONSPREVIOUSREDOREFERENCEREFRESHREPLACERESTARTRESUMESAVESBEGSCANCELSCOMMANDSCOPYSCREATESDCSDLSELECTSENDSEOLSEXITSFINDSHELPSHOMESICSLEFTSMESSAGESMOVESNEXTSOPTIONSSPREVIOUSSPRINTSREDOSREPLACESRIGHTSRSUMESSAVESSUSPENDSUNDOSUSPENDUNDOMOUSERESIZE  x2d2d2dJ2d<2d,2d2dorig_pairorig_colorsinitialize_pairinitialize_colorunknownTERMError opening terminal: %s. NCURSES_GPM_TERMS|:linuxxtermXM[?1000%?%p1%{1}%=%th%el%;xterm-mousecarriage_returnnewlineenter_ca_modechange_scroll_regionexit_ca_modeESCDELAYNCURSES_ASSUMED_COLORS%d%c%d%cPOSIXplab_normF%dlabel_offlabel_ondelete_lineinsert_linechar_paddingenter_insert_modeinsert_paddingexit_insert_modeinsert_characterscroll_forwardexit_am_modeenter_am_modescroll_reverseclr_eolerase_charsclr_boldelete_charactersave_cursorrestore_cursorexit_attribute_modeexit_alt_charset_modeexit_standout_modeexit_underline_modeclear_screenbellflash_screen%dena_acs2Kn,X   `  %Kmeta_onmeta_offcursor_visiblecursor_normalcursor_invisiblekeypad_xmitkeypad_localLINESCOLUMNSCCUTF-8NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACSU8screenTERMCAPhhII00TERM environment variable not set. TERM environment must be <= %d characters. |Not enough memory to create terminal structure. terminals database is inaccessible '%s': unknown terminal type. '%s': terminal is not really generic. '%s': I need something more specific. '%s': I can't handle hardcopy terminals. 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((heap_info *) ((unsigned long) (((mchunkptr)((char*)(victim) - 2*(sizeof(size_t))))) & ~((2 * (512 * 1024)) - 1)))->ar_ptr : &main_arena)!p || ((((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x2) || ar_ptr == (((((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x4) ? ((heap_info *) ((unsigned long) (((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) - 2*(sizeof(size_t))))) & ~((2 * (512 * 1024)) - 1)))->ar_ptr : &main_arena)!newp || ((((mchunkptr)((char*)(newp) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x2) || ar_ptr == (((((mchunkptr)((char*)(newp) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x4) ? ((heap_info *) ((unsigned long) (((mchunkptr)((char*)(newp) - 2*(sizeof(size_t))))) & ~((2 * (512 * 1024)) - 1)))->ar_ptr : &main_arena)!mem || ((((mchunkptr)((char*)(mem) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x2) || av == (((((mchunkptr)((char*)(mem) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x4) ? 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1)->tid == ppid__libc_fork/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf//usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf//lib//usr/lib/ ELFELFGNUELF@cannot allocate name recordlastp != ((void *)0)dl-load.ccannot stat shared objectcannot create shared object descriptorcannot read file datacannot allocate memory for program headercannot close file descriptorobject file has no dynamic sectionshared object cannot be dlopen()edcannot enable executable stack as shared object requiresELF load command alignment not page-alignedELF load command address/offset not properly alignedcannot allocate TLS data structures for initial threadcannot dynamically load executableobject file has no loadable segmentsfailed to map segment from shared objectcannot change memory protectionscannot map zero-fill pagesfile=%s [%lu]; generating link map r->r_state == RT_ADD dynamic: 0x%0*lx base: 0x%0*lx size: 0x%0*Zx entry: 0x%0*lx phdr: 0x%0*lx phnum: %*u invalid section len %lu, max remaining %lu aeabi ignoring unknown attr section %s invalid subsection length %lu, max allowed %lu ignoring unknown subsection with type %u length %lu invalid ELF headerELF file data encoding not little-endianELF file version ident does not match current oneELF file OS ABI invalidELF file ABI version invalidfile too shortnonzero padding in e_identinternal errorELF file version does not match current oneonly ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loadedELF file's phentsize not the expected sizeUnable to run arch-specific checks :%s
search path= (%s from file %s) (%s) trying file=%s ORIGINPLATFORMLIBlib/arm-linux-gnueabihf(l)->l_name[0] == '\0' || 0cannot create cache for search pathcannot create RUNPATH/RPATH copy:cannot create search path arraysystem search pathpelem->dirname[0] == '/':; file=%s [%lu]; needed by %s [%lu] file=%s [%lu]; dynamically loaded by %s [%lu] nsid >= 0nsid < _dl_nnsld-linux.so.3ld-linux-armhf.so.3find library=%s [%lu]; searching RPATHRUNPATHwrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64cannot open shared object file_dl_map_object_from_fdadd_name_to_object_dl_map_objectexpand_dynamic_string_token./_dl_init_pathsversion->filename == ((void *)0) || ! _dl_name_match_p (version->filename, map)dl-lookup.csymbol=%s; lookup in file=%s [%lu] (no version symbols)symbol , version protectednormalversion == ((void *)0) || (flags & ~(DL_LOOKUP_ADD_DEPENDENCY | DL_LOOKUP_GSCOPE_LOCK)) == 0version != ((void *)0) not defined in file with link time referencerelocation errorsymbol lookup error file=%s [%lu]; needed by %s [%lu] (relocation dependency) binding file %s [%lu] to %s [%lu]: %s symbol `%s' [%s] (bitmask_nwords & (bitmask_nwords - 1)) == 0_dl_setup_hashcheck_match_dl_lookup_symbol_xundefined symbol: unexpected reloc type 0xunexpected PLT reloc type 0xcould not map page for fixupfix_offset == 0../ports/sysdeps/arm/dl-machine.hR_ARM_PC24 relocation out of rangecannot allocate memory in static TLS blockmap->l_tls_modid <= dtv[-1].counterdl-reloc.c (lazy)cannot make segment writable for relocationcannot restore segment prot after reloc%s: no PLTREL found in object %s %s: out of memory to store relocation results for %s relocation processing: %s%s td->entry == 0%s: Symbol `%s' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking cannot apply additional memory protection after relocationrelocate_pc24elf_machine_lazy_rel_dl_nothread_init_static_tlsGNU/etc/ld.so.nohwcaptlsm == cntdl-hwcaps.ccannot create capability list_dl_important_hwcapsDYNAMIC LINKER BUG!!!error while loading shared libraries%s: %s: %s%s%s%s%s continuedfatal%s: error: %s: %s (%s) out of memory =???pid >= 0 && sizeof (pid_t) <= 4dl-misc.cniov < 64! "invalid format specifier"_dl_debug_vdprintf%s: cannot open file: %s %s: cannot stat file: %s %s: cannot map file: %s %s: cannot create file: %s seconds.profile%s: file is no correct profile data file for `%s' Out of memory while initializing profiler result <= _dl_tls_max_dtv_idx + 1dl-tls.cresult == _dl_tls_max_dtv_idx + 1map->l_tls_modid == cntmap->l_tls_blocksize >= map->l_tls_initimage_sizelistp != ((void *)0)idx == 0dlopencannot create TLS data structures_dl_add_to_slotinfo_dl_allocate_tls_init_dl_next_tls_modid/proc/self/exelinkval[0] == '/'../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/dl-origin.c_dl_get_origincannot extend global scope add %s [%lu] to global scope ns == l->l_nsdl-open.cinvalid mode for dlopen()no more namespaces available for dlmopen()invalid target namespace in dlmopen()_dl_debug_initialize (0, args.nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENTobject=%s [%lu] scope %u: no scope _dl_debug_initialize (0, args->nsid)->r_state == RT_CONSISTENTmode & 0x00004opening file=%s [%lu]; direct_opencount=%u cannot create scope listTLS generation counter wrapped! Please report this.cannot load any more object with static TLSimap->l_need_tls_init == 0dl_open_worker_dl_open_dl_find_dso_for_object! should_be_theredl-close.cold_map->l_tls_modid == idx closing file=%s; direct_opencount=%u idx == nloaded(*lp)->l_idx >= 0 && (*lp)->l_idx < nloadedjmap->l_idx >= 0 && jmap->l_idx < nloadedimap->l_ns == nsidimap->l_type == lt_loaded && (imap->l_flags_1 & 0x00000008) == 0 calling fini: %s [%lu] tmap->l_ns == nsiddlcloseimap->l_type == lt_loadednsid != 0 file=%s [%lu]; destroying link map TLS generation counter wrapped! Please report as described in . map->l_init_calledshared object not open_dl_closeremove_slotinfo_dl_close_worker search cache=%s /etc/ld.so.cacheld.so-1.7.0glibc-ld.so.cache1.1cache != ((void *)0)dl-cache.c_dl_load_cache_lookupGLIBC_PRIVATE_dl_open_hookUUUUUUUU?33333333*$I$I$qqqE]tEUUUUUUU;;I$I$I8885P^Cy 0 0 0 袋. ,d! p= ףp= ؉؉ %^B{ $I$I$ =B!B|PuPuPqq*nsize < ((((1 + ((24 - (-125) + 2) * 10) / 3) + ((32) - 1)) / (32)) + 2)numsize < (((24) + ((32) - 1)) / (32))dig_no > int_no && exponent <= 0 && exponent >= (-37) - (6 + 1)____strtof_l_internal0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%s%s%s%s%s%s: %s_dlfcn_hookunsupported dlinfo requestinvalid namespaceDST not allowed in SUID/SGID programsdl-deps.ccannot load auxiliary `%s' because of empty dynamic string token substitution empty dynamic string token substitutionload auxiliary object=%s requested by file=%s load filtered object=%s requested by file=%s cannot allocate dependency listmap->l_searchlist.r_list == ((void *)0)cannot allocate symbol search listFilters not supported with LD_TRACE_PRELINKINGcnt <= nlistmap->l_searchlist.r_list[0] == map_dl_map_object_deps((reloc->r_info) & 0xff) == 22dl-runtime.c_dl_profile_fixup_dl_fixup calling init: %s calling preinit: %s i < nloadeddl-fini.cns != 0 || i == nloadedns == 0 || i == nloaded || i == nloaded - 1_dl_finiunsupported version weak version `checking for version `%s' in file %s [%lu] required by file %s [%lu] no version information available (required by def_offset != 0dl-version.c of Verdef record' not found (required by version `version lookup errorcannot allocate version reference table of Verneed record needed != ((void *)0)match_symbol_dl_check_map_versionsinvalid mode parameterRTLD_NEXT used in code not dynamically loadedpTԭ4İ<`)' `   | d L T4  |         |  d L  t4<4   X'  x (` @  \| T0C@  l II<   r4tG vLyGz? @;;<,=0 =4=8$=?HBG4EHEĝܝ x8(TX<<Lة\ll|ܰ|ԳPt|$L|\|($4 D\$l8$4DTd0l < DP<Hp G($,x\T #%'')8*4L| <)T)|))+++,\----. .L.d..///0d<<CC4DLDD DDEF$GdGp`LLLLHMMNOOO4QdRRGWdYtxZG]0^ _ $_h_Pp_T__P_T`,``a 0bc0@d4dh0djDl?,-4v(  G0yČԏܔ$ܳ0LG 8 y,y@BDFwdxdyd~dz2}n! { ^dwK^dThe corpse detonates with terrifying force!uF<Poisonous spores burst from the corpse!E|A}A( d2ddud@- d'KF2/rKK@@bch<< ^ Nthe dewar shatters and pressurized caustic gas explodes outward!K Nthe dewar shatters and pressurized confusion gas explodes outward!K Nthe dewar shatters and pressurized paralytic gas explodes outward!LK Nthe dewar shatters and pressurized methane gas explodes outward!KdFx2dVOV +the cages lift off of the altars as you approach.,the cages lower to cover the altars.)the altar retracts into the ground with a grinding sound.the archway flashes, and you catch a glimpse of another world!QPthe glyph beneath you glows, and the guardians take a step!the mirrored totem flashes, reflecting the red glow of the glyph beneath you.P_@you notice a lever hidden behind a loose stone in the wall.fdeYb<the rope bridge snaps from the heat and plunges into the chasm!cd%d^dp%qo%the area is flooded as water rises through imperceptible holes in the ground.p ldna cloud of caustic gas sprays upward from the floor!,a sparkling cloud of confusion gas sprays upward from the floor!,Za net falls from the ceiling!a piercing shriek echoes through the nearby rooms!''Ld%n,dsuF<d-lmdnddthe items on the two altars flash with a brilliant light!Z<An old friend emerges from a bloom of sacred light!,d4the coffin opens and a dark figure rises!<as flames begin to lick the coffin, its tenant bursts forth!l(d)the cage lifts off of the altar.8d"]d Oa scratching sound emanates from the nearby walls!flames quickly consume the wooden barricade.d>jyou hear a heavy click, and the nearby water begins flooding the area!WjddidVZd(\you hear a deep rumbling noise as the floor begins to collapse!Y \dd[dddda stone bridge extends from the floor with a grinding sound.hdd^dd]_hissing fills the air as the lava begins to cool.d+Hyou notice an inactive gas vent hidden in a crevice of the floor.Ideadly purple gas starts wafting out of hidden vents in the floor!with a heavy mechanical sound, an iron portcullis falls from the ceiling!the portcullis slowly rises from the ground into a slot in the ceiling.Kyou notice an inactive gas vent hidden in a crevice of the floor.Lexplosive methane gas starts wafting out of hidden vents in the floor!<a torch falls from its mount and lies sputtering on the floor.<you notice an inactive gas vent hidden in a crevice of the floor.^paralytic gas sprays upward from hidden vents in the floor!<wK cracks begin snaking across the marble surface of the statue!xdthe statue shatters!<you hear a click, and the stones in the wall shift to reveal turrets!7the nearby wall cracks and collapses in a cloud of dust!<7&the light in the room flickers and you feel a chill in the air.'2kddXacross the bog, bubbles rise ominously from the mud.the crystal absorbs the electricity and begins to glow.the wall above the lever shifts to reveal a spark turret!WdVZd&WdsP2XKvZWnxdY h V Wdxdthe nearby wall explodes in a shower of stone fragments!<12d2k  you@dddratr,Pdd.koboldkPddjackaljF2d.eeled2d9monkeym  ddd.bloatbddd" pit bloatb<ddd gobling Fddgoblin conjurerg, Fdd @goblin mysticg, Fdd@goblin totem&d,@pink jellyJ2Uddtoadt\Z ddvampire batv,d2d arrow turret%\Zd@acid mounda| Fddcentipedec|P ddogreO 7<} dbog monsterB7<d@0 ogre totem&̻Fd@spidersFZd` @spark turret%Pdd@will-o-the-wispw ZdddwraithW2<x 2d@zombieZPx dd d)trollTlAF} ddogre shamanO̻-(d d @nagaNlKF  ddd0) salamanderS<F  ddd-#@explosive bloatb ddd# dar blademasterd#F dddar priestessd<ddd@dar battlemaged<ddd @acidic jellyJ|<sddcentaurC|#22d@underwormU P(sentinel2d `acid turret%|#d@dart turret%|d@krakenKx2d@9 lichL#Pdd @@phylactery%Ld&@pixiep Zd2d @phantomPl#F 22Lflame turret%<(d! @impiL#Z  ddfuryflZ 2drevenantRlddtentacle horrorH|x_#ddgolemG,FdddragonDZ22 goblin warlordg ddd@black jellyJ\xddvampireVK<x2d$@flamedancerFAPxddd% Bspectral blade!<2dD spectral sword!L2dDstone guardian ddd\"1winged guardian  ddd["1guardian spiritL ddd!Warden of YendorY, d @eldritch totem&<Pdd&@0mirrored totem&̼Pddd]&ҁ0unicorn(< 2d /@ifritI<(K 2d phoenixPLF 2d phoenix egg%Ld &P@mangrove dryadM|F<dd@@&l$&This indispensable scroll will imbue a single item with a powerful and permanent magical charge. A staff will increase in power and in number of charges; a weapon will inflict more damage or find its mark more frequently; a suit of armor will deflect additional blows; the effect of a ring on its wearer will intensify; and a wand will gain expendable charges in the least amount that such a wand can be found with. Weapons and armor will also require less strength to use, and any curses on the item will be lifted.$,The scrying magic on this parchment will permanently reveal all of the secrets of a single item. $ The spell on this parchment instantly transports the reader to a random location on the dungeon level. It can be used to escape a dangerous situation, but the unlucky reader might find himself in an even more dangerous place.$The incantation on this scroll will instantly strip from the reader's weapon, armor, rings and carried items any evil enchantments that might prevent the wearer from removing them.,$ wThe power bound up in this parchment will instantly recharge all of your staffs and charms.8$ The armor worn by the reader of this scroll will be permanently proofed against degradation from acid.H $ The weapon held by the reader of this scroll will be permanently proofed against degradation from acid.X>$ When recited over plain ground, the sacred rite of protection memorialized on this scroll will imbue the area with powerful warding glyphs. Monsters will not willingly set foot on the affected area.d\$ When this scroll is read, a purple-hued image of crystal clarity will be etched into your memory, alerting you to the precise layout of the level and revealing all hidden secrets. The locations of items and creatures will remain unknown.tz$This scroll contains a powerful anti-magic. When it is released, all creatures (including yourself) and all items lying on the ground within your field of view will be exposed to its blast and stripped of magic -- and creatures animated purely by magic will die. Potions, scrolls, items being held by other creatures and items in your inventory will not be affected.$The blast of sorcery unleashed by this scroll will alter the physical structure of nearby stone, causing it to dissolve away over the ensuing minutes.$Reading this scroll will unleash a powerful blast of mind magic. Any creatures within line of sight will turn against their companions and attack indiscriminately for 30 turns.$2When read aloud, this scroll will unleash a piercing shriek that will awaken all monsters and alert them to the reader's location.$ 2The incantation on this scroll will call out to creatures in other planes of existence, drawing them through the fabric of reality to confront the reader.B$A swirling elixir that will instantly heal you, cure you of ailments, and permanently increase your maximum health.C$This powerful medicine will course through your muscles, permanently increasing your strength by one point.̘"C$^After drinking this, your mind will become attuned to the psychic signature of distant creatures, enabling you to sense biological presences through walls. Its effects will not reveal inanimate objects, such as totems, turrets and traps.ؘ@C$Drinking this curious liquid will cause you to hover in the air, able to drift effortlessly over lava, water, chasms and traps. Flames, gases and spiderwebs fill the air, however, and cannot be bypassed while airborne. Creatures that dwell in water or mud will be unable to attack you while you levitate.^C$This drink will sensitize your mind to the radiance of magic. Items imbued with helpful enchantments will be marked on the map with a full magical sigil; items corrupted by curses or intended to inflict harm on the bearer will be marked on the map with a hollow sigil. The Amulet of Yendor, if in the vicinity, will be revealed by its unique aura.|C$ Quaffing the contents of this flask will enable you to move at blinding speed for several minutes.C$This potion will render you impervious to heat and permit you to wander through fire and lava and ignore otherwise deadly bolts of flame. It will not guard against the concussive impact of an explosion, however. C$Drinking this potion will render you temporarily invisible. Enemies more than two spaces away will be unable to track you.C$Uncorking or shattering this pressurized glass will cause its contents to explode into a deadly cloud of caustic purple gas. You might choose to fling this potion at distant enemies instead of uncorking it by hand.(C$ Upon exposure to open air, the liquid in this flask will vaporize into a numbing pink haze. Anyone who inhales the cloud will be paralyzed instantly, unable to move for some time after the cloud dissipates. This item can be thrown at distant enemies to catch them within the effect of the gas.4D$ This flask contains a vicious and long-lasting hallucinogen. Under its dazzling effect, you will wander through a rainbow wonderland, unable to discern the form of any creatures or items you see.D0D$This unstable chemical will quickly vaporize into a glittering cloud upon contact with open air, causing any creature that inhales it to lose control of the direction of its movements until the effect wears off (although its ability to aim projectile attacks will not be affected). Its vertiginous intoxication can cause creatures and adventurers to careen into one another or into chasms or lava pits, so extreme care should be taken when under its effect. Its contents can be weaponized by throwing the flask at distant enemies.PND$This flask contains an unstable compound which will burst violently into flame upon exposure to open air. You might throw the flask at distant enemies -- or into a deep lake, to cleanse the cavern with scalding steam.`lD$Drinking this potion will plunge you into darkness. At first, you will be completely blind to anything not illuminated by an independent light source, but over time your vision will regain its former strength. Throwing the potion will create a cloud of supernatural darkness, and enemies will have difficulty seeing or following you if you take refuge under its cover.lD$When this flask is uncorked by hand or shattered by being thrown, the fog that seeps out will temporarily cause the ground in the vicinity to vanish.tD$When the cork is popped or the flask is thrown, tiny spores will spill across the ground and begin to grow a deadly lichen. Anything that touches the lichen will be poisoned by its clinging tendrils, and the lichen will slowly grow to fill the area. Fire will purge the infestation. %$ A blast from this wand will teleport a creature to a random place on the level. This can be particularly effective against aquatic or mud-bound creatures, which are helpless on dry land.%$ This wand will cause a creature to move at half its ordinary speed for 30 turns.%$This mischievous magic can transform any creature into another creature at random. Beware: the tamest of creatures might turn into the most fearsome. The horror of the transformation will turn any affected allies against you.t%$&This powerful anti-magic will strip a creature of a host of magical traits, including flight, invisibility, acidic corrosiveness, telepathy, magical speed or slowness, hypnosis, magical fear, immunity to physical attack, fire resistance and the ability to blink. Spellcasters will lose their magical abilities and magical totems will be rendered inert. Creatures animated purely by magic will die. &$This wand can forever bind an enemy to the caster's will, turning it into a steadfast ally. However, the magic works only against enemies that are near death.*&$The force of this wand will yank the targeted creature into direct proximity.H&$The creature at the other end of this mischievous bit of metal will be beside itself -- literally! Cloning an enemy is ill-advised, but the effect can be invaluable on a powerful ally. f&$dA charge from this wand will render a creature temporarily invisible to the naked eye. Only with telepathy or in the silhouette of a thick gas will an observer discern the creature's hazy outline.&$d This sacred magic will permanently improve the mind and body of any monster it hits. A wise adventurer will use it on allies, making them stronger in combat and able to learn a new talent from a fallen foe. If the bolt is reflected back at you, it will have no effect.̙ 0$ This staff conjures forth deadly arcs of electricity, which deal damage to any number of creatures in a straight line.ؙ*0$ This staff unleashes bursts of magical fire. It will ignite flammable terrain, and will damage and burn a creature that it hits. Creatures with an immunity to fire will be unaffected by the bolt.H0$  The vile blast of this twisted bit of wood will imbue its target with a deadly venom. Each turn, a creature that is poisoned will suffer one point of damage per dose of poison it has received, and poisoned creatures will not regenerate lost health until the poison clears.f0$  Bursts of magic from this staff will pass harmlessly through creatures but will reduce walls and other inanimate obstructions to rubble.0$ This staff will allow you to teleport in the chosen direction. Creatures and inanimate obstructions will block the teleportation. Be careful around dangerous terrain, as nothing will prevent you from teleporting to a fiery death in a lake of lava.0$This curious staff will send creatures into a deep but temporary trance, in which they will mindlessly mirror your movements. You can use the effect to cause one creature to attack another or to step into hazardous terrain, but the spell will be broken if you attack the creature under the effect.0$ A mass of impenetrable green crystal will spring forth from the point at which this staff is aimed, obstructing any who wish to move through the affected area and temporarily entombing any who are already there. The crystal will dissolve into the air as time passes. Higher level staffs will create larger obstructions.0$ The purple light from this staff will alter the perception of a creature to lash out indiscriminately. Strangers and allies alike will turn on the victim. 0$A flick of this staff summons a number of phantom blades to fight on your behalf.,1$LThe crimson bolt from this staff will heal the injuries of any creature it touches. This can be counterproductive against enemies but can prove useful when aimed at your allies. Unfortunately, you cannot use this or any staff on yourself.481$The magical bolt from this staff will temporarily double the speed of any monster it hits. This can be counterproductive against enemies but can prove useful when aimed at your allies. Unfortunately, you cannot use this or any staff on yourself.<V1$A charge from this staff will bathe a creature in protective light, absorbing all damage until depleted. This can be counterproductive against enemies but can prove useful when aimed at your allies. Unfortunately, you cannot use this or any staff on yourself.HT!$Wearing this ring will permit you to see through nearby walls and doors, within a radius determined by the level of the ring. A cursed ring of clairvoyance will blind you to your immediate surroundings.Xr!$ This ring will reduce your stealth range, making enemies less likely to notice you and more likely to lose your trail. Staying motionless and lurking in the shadows will make you even harder to spot. Cursed rings of stealth will increase your stealth range, making you easier to spot and to track.`!$This ring increases the body's regenerative properties, allowing one to recover lost health at an accelerated rate. Cursed rings will decrease or even halt one's natural regeneration.p!$Landing a melee attack while wearing this ring will heal you in proportion to the damage inflicted. Cursed rings will cause you to lose health with each attack you land.!$XThis ring subtly enhances your vision, enabling you to see farther in the dimming light of the deeper dungeon levels. It will not make you more visible to enemies.!$Wearing this ring will enable you to notice hidden secrets (traps, secret doors and hidden levers) more often and from a greater distance. Cursed rings of awareness will dull your senses, making it harder to notice secrets even when actively searching for them."$Your staffs will recharge at an accelerated rate in the energy field that radiates from this ring. Cursed rings of wisdom will instead cause your staffs to recharge more slowly.&"$The blood magic in this ring will recharge your staffs and charms in proportion to the damage you inflict directly. Cursed rings of reaping will drain your staffs and charms when you inflict damage directly.This handful of dried bloodwort and mandrake root has been bound together with leather cord and imbued with a powerful healing magic.< Four copper rings have been joined into a tetrahedron. The construct is oddly warm to the touch.4Various animals have been etched into the surface of this brass bangle. It emits a barely audible hum.Eldritch flames flicker within this polished crystal bauble. This intricate figurine depicts a strange humanoid creature. It has a face on both sides of its head, but all four eyes are closed.̘Seven tiny glass eyes roll freely within this glass sphere. Somehow, they always come to rest facing outward.ؘSparkling dust and fragments of feather waft and swirl endlessly inside this small glass sphere.This turquoise crystal, fixed to a leather lanyard, hums with an arcane energy that sets your teeth on edge.When you touch this tiny granite statue, a rhythmic booming sound echoes in your head. The surface of this nickel sphere has been etched with a perfect grid pattern. Somehow, the squares of the grid are all exactly the same size.,A strip of bronze has been wound around a rough wooden sphere. Each time you touch it, you feel a tiny electric shock.tA featureless gray disc hangs from a leather lanyard. When you touch it, your hand briefly goes numb. p  P>>>u>=>>>>>???>>>fff?fff?fff?fff??>fff?fff??fff?fff?fff?fff?fff?fff?x    XY       H$I(J,J0J8K<L@MHNLOPPTQXR`ShRtS|RSTUVZ[\]^_`abcdefghij klm$n,o4p<qDrPsXtdulvtw|xyz{|}~ ,8@HT\dlx H \ t ` , JHH& :$;